

Assistant Professor
Department: English Language

Research Work in PhD




Participation in Conference

Certificate of Appreciation for Participating in Symposium on Craft and Challenges in Translations at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
Completing the Course on Embracing Change Harappa on 18.02.2021
Participated in the National Webinar "The Weather and the Wallet" on 24.05.2021
Participated in the Webinar "Interview Skills" on 04.07.2021
Participated in the International Webinar "Peace and Development" on 21.09.2021
Participated in the International Webinar :Technologically Mediated Visuals for Enhancing Motivation Among Adolescent Learners on 21.09.2021
Participated in the International Conference on Human Rights Fundamentals: "The Indian Perspective" on 24.09.2021 at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College
Participated in the Quiz Programme "Youth Awakening Day" from 12.10.2021 to 15.10.2021
Participated in the National Webinar : Academic Writing: Core Concepts and Essential Skills on 25.02.2022 at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College
Participated in the ICSSR Two day National Level Seminar on “Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning for Teacher Community “Organized on 30/1/2023 and 31/1/2023 by the Department of B.COM BPS at NGM College.
Participated in the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi sponsored two day National Seminar on “Impact of Digital Learning in Education Sector- a Pandemic Perspective” organized by the Department of Commerce, NGM College, Pollachi on 8th and 9th Feb 2023.
Participated in the One Day National Seminar on “Women’s Employment, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment” Sponsored by Indian Council organized by the Department of E-Commerce, NGM College, Pollachi on 15th March 2023.
Participated in the National Seminar "Perspective of ICT Tools in Education" on 04.08.2023 held at NGM College
Attended on Lecture Series entitled Plato to Post - Modernism & Beyond on 21.10.2023 at NGM College

Research Publications

Presented a paper entitled “Trauma and Triumph – Revathi’s The truth about me” in the International Virtual Conference on Modern Trends in English Language, Literature and Linguistics (ICMTELL, 2022), 29th January, 2022 Organised by The Department of English, Rathinam College of Arts and Science.
Published a paper entitled “The Plight and Sufferings of the Characters during Partition in Amitav Ghosh The Shadow Lines” in the book Post Colonialism and Subaltern studies: An Introduction in the year 2022 with ISBN: 978-93-84832-02-5.
Presented the paper entitled “Identity Crisis in Bharathi Mukherjee’s Jasmine and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Sister of My Heart” in the UGC care list DOGO Rangsang Reseaarch journal VOL.13,issue .06,No.1,AUG 2022,ISSN -2347-7180.
Participated and Presented a Paper Entitled Feminist Perspective in Margeret Atwood’s The Edible Woman in the International Conference on “English Language, Literature, Translation Studies and Humanities” held on 16.09. 2022, Organised by The Department of English, Rathinam College of Arts and Science.
Presented a paper on “Madness and Mental Illness in Macbeth” in two days National Level Conference entitled Revisiting Shakespeare in the Millennium organized by the department of English on 4th and 5th Sep,2023.
Participated in the One Day National Seminar on “English Language Teaching through Artificial Intelligence” Organised by the PG Department of English(sf),Tiruvalluvar college Papanasam on 22.01.24 and also Presented a chapter entitled “Natural Language Processing in English Language Teaching: Leveraging AI for Improved Understanding and Communication” with ISBN 978-93-340-0323-9
Presented the paper entitled “Globalization And Cultural Hybridity In Twenty – First Century Literature” in the UGC care list Research article Aadhunik Sahitya.
Threads of Thought - I - Communication Skills May-2024
Published a paper entitled “Culture and Identity in Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines” in Literature in Life: Decoding The Muffled Voices.

Workshop FDP

Participated in One Day National Level Worshop on The Emergence of Women in the Contemporary Fiction Writings at Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women
Participated in the NAAC Sponsored National Level Workshop on Internal Quality Assurance System - A Tool for Measuring Excellence on February 6th- 7th, 2012 at Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women
Participated in the UGC National Workshop on Varities of Writing in English on 25th February 2012 - Acted as a Coordinator at Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women
UGC Sponsored One Day National Workshop on " The Recent Trends in Literary and Critical Theories" on 10.09.2012 at Sri GVG Visalakshi College for Women
Participated in the FDP Entitled "Mentoring the Mentors" on 21st July 2018 at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Participated in One Day State Level Workshop on "Eco - Feminism & Eco - Poetry "on 20.08.2018 at Tiruppur Kumaran College for Women
Participated in the Faculty Orientation Programme from 20.08.2018 to 24.08.2018 Organised by Deparment of Human Excellence, APD&Training and Placement cell,Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College
Participated in the FDP entitled Effective Teaching in the New Normal on 19.04.2021
Participated National Level FDP on “Emerging Innovative Trends in Quality Research Writing and Publishing in Right Journals, Organised by GVG Colloge on 25.01.2022.
Participated in the Two Day National Level Virtual FDP on “Literature and Literary Theories”, organised by GVG College on 30.05.2022 and 31.05.2022
Attended “Professional Training Program for Teaching Faculties” organized by Department of Computer Applications at NGMC, on 17.09.2022.
Participated in One Day National Level Workshop on “Tapping Multi Intelligence inLanguage Teaching” held on 04.11.22 at SNMV College.
Attended and Participated in the State FDP Skill Development Programme entitled “Enhancing Communication Skills for an Effective Professional Development” on 5/11/2022 at NGM College.
Attended and Participated in the International Conference on Transborder Literatures held at NGM on 16.11.2022
Participated in one day national level workshop on effectuating Artificial Intelligence for language proficiency conducted on 03.04.2023 at Sree Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science.
Participated in the one Week State FDP on “Reserch Methodology and Advanced Pedagogies in Higher Education” held at NGM ,Pollachi from 24th to 28th April 2023.
Participated 7 days state FDP on “Quality Education for Nation Building” organized by IQAC of SIIMS, Pollachi from 31/7/2023 to 8/8/2023.
Participated in Seven Days National Level virtual Faculty Development Programme entitled “Exploring cultures: Diversity in Travel Writing” organized by Department of English, PPG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 20.02 2024 to 27.02.2024.
Participated in International FDP Programon Global Perspective in English Language Teaching: Advancing Pedagogy and Professional Growth from 22.04.2024 to 26.04.2024
Actively Participated in the Seven Day Virtual International FDP on EFFECTIVE OF ECO – LITERATURE IN EDUCATION held between 22nd – 30th April 2024 in GKM College of Engineering and Technology.
Participated inFDP on "Yoga for Emotional Stability" from 11.11.2024 to 15.11.2024 at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College

Books / Monograph

Published a book “A Collection of Post - Colonial Poems in Indian Writing” in English in the month of September 2023.

Research Guidance
