
Dr. A.M. Ananda Kumar M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor
Department: M.Sc., Botany

Research Work in PhD

Plant Ecology and Phytochemistry


1. Received best research scholar award in Ph.D for the year 2009 in annual day celebrations of Kongunadu Arts and Science college, Coimbatore
2. Rank holder in my Post Graduation and received a Certificate of Appreciation during convocation
3.Received Tamilnadu State Government, Directorate of Collegiate Education merit Scholarship for Ph.D. full time programme from 2008-2010.
4.Received I2OR National award 2021 as “Distinguished teacher of the year, 2021” by International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) is registered MSME with Ministry of MSME, Government of India Registration Number: UDYAM-PB-20-0002405.
5.Received acknowledgement and out standing accomplishment from Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi for conducting projects of TNSCST by acquiring fund from the external funding agency. The skills and knowledge demonstrated is constant source of pride for the success of the institution during the 15.08.2023

Participation in Conference


Research Publications

1. Ananda kumar. A. M., S. Paulsamy, P. Sathish kumar and P. Senthilkumar, 2009. Preliminary phytochemical studies for the quantification of secondary metabolites of medicinal importance in the plant, Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 1(1): 41-43. (Scopus)
2. P. Sathish kumar, S. Paulsamy, A.M. Ananda kumar and P. Senthilkumar, 2009. Effect of habitat variation on the content of certain secondary metabolites of medicinal importance in the leaves of the plant, Acacia caesia Willd. Advances in Plant Sciences. 22(II):451-453.( Scopus)
3. Paulsamy, S., P. Senthilkumar, A. M. Ananda Kumar and P. SathishKumar, 2009. Elaeagnus kologa Schlecht. – an under utilized species for edible fruits in Nilgiris, the Western Ghats. Indian Journal Natural Product Resource 1(2):258-260. (ESCI, Thomson Reuters Web of Science)
4. Sathishkumar, P., S. Paulsamy and A.M. Ananda kumar, 2010. Evaluation of genetic diversity in the plant species, Acacia caesia (L.) Willd. inhabiting the environmental gradient in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (MIJST) 4(03):533-539. (SCI and Scopus)
5. Paulsamy, S., P. Senthilkumar, A.M. Ananda kumar and P. Sathish kumar, 2010. Utilization of forest flora as agricultural tools and other domestic goods by the villagers adjoining the foot hills of Anamalais, the Western Ghats, Coimbatore district. Non-Timber Forest Products 17(3): 339-344.
6. Ananda kumar A.M., S. Paulsamy and P. Sathishkumar, 2012. Genetic variation in the populations of the plant species, Acalypha fruticosa forssk. in an environmental gradient, Biotechnology Research Bulletin 1: 001-004
7. Ananda kumar A.M., S. Jamuna , A. Venkatachalapathi and S. Paulsamy, 2018 Identification of Bioactive Compounds Present in the Crude Methanolic Leaf Extract of Acalypha Fruticosa Forssk. through GC-MS Analysis, Trends in Biosciences11(7): 1003- 1013.
8. Ananda kumar A.M., G.Shanmugapriya , and P.Sathishkumar, 2018. Evaluation of cytotoxic effect of phoskill on the root tips of Allium cepa L. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7 (13):880- 886.
9. A. M. Ananda kumar, S. Kiruthika, P. SathishKumar, 2018. Allelopathic effect of some common weeds on two important crops Zea mays L. and Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek., JETIR, Volume 5, Issue 12, 291 - 295. (Scopus)
10. Sathishkumar P., Nancy S. And Ananda kumar A.M, 2019. Evaluation of Anti-Dandruff Activity of Poly Herbal Hair Oil against the Fungus Malassezia furfur, IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB), ISSN: 2455-264X, (5) 1 : 01-06. DOI: 10.9790/264X-0501010106 (UGC care)
11. Ananda kumar A.M., K. Anvar, R. Rakkimuthu, P. Sathishkumar, D. Sowmiya, J. Alahupreeti, 2019 Eco-friendly mosquito repellent fabric using dye derived from Curcuma aromatica Salisb American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, pp. 68-72.
12. P. Sathishkumar, D. Kaviya, R. Rakkimuthu, A.M. Anandakumar, D. Sowmiya and S. Sabirafathima, 2019. 'Quantitative phytochemical screening of Filicium decipiens Wight & Arn., American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, pp. 208-212.
13. R.Rakkimuthu, R. Nithiyakamatchi, P. Sathishkumar, AM. Ananda kumar and D.Sowmiya, 2019. In vitro antifungal activity of formulated floral extracts against Malassezia furfur. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 11 (9): 1326 - 1335. (Scopus)
14. Sowmiya D., R. Rakkimuthu, P. Sathishkumar, A. M. Anandakumar, S. Sinju, B. Vanisree,2019 Effect of silver nanoparticles of Ulva fasciata in germination of selected pulses American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, pp.204-207.
15. R Rakkimuthu, R Indu, P Sathishkumar, A.M Anandakumar, D Sowmiya, 2019 Effect of herbal spray for coconut copra process, storage and Post-harvest disease management, International Journal of Botany Studies 4(6): 77-81. (Web of Science)
16. Anandakumar A.M, J Alahupreeti, R Rakkimuthu, P Sathishkumar, D Sowmiya, 2019 Studies on clastogenic activity caused by synthetic red food colour dye on the root tips of Allium cepa L. International Journal of Botany Studies 4(6): 102-105. (Web of Science)
17. Rakkimuthu Ramalingam, Sathishkumar Palanisamy, Ananda Kumar Mohanraj, Sowmiya Duraisamy & Nishanthini Rajasekaran, 2020. Chemical Profiling of Momordica charantia L. Seed Essential Oil and Its Antimicrobial Activity, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 23:2, 390-396, DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2020.1741451 (Web of Science)
18. A M Ananda Kumar and P Sathishkumar 2021, Study on genetic diversity in the different populations of Acalypha fruticosa forssk by using RAPD analysis inhabiting foot hills of Southern Western Ghats International Journal of Botany studies 6(4):563-566. (Web of Science)
19. P Sathishkumar and A M Ananda Kumar* 2021, Isolation and identification of terpenoid compounds from the folklore medicinal plant Acacia caesia ( L.) Willd leaves International Journal of Botany studies 6(4):534-538. ( Web of Science)
20. Ananda Kumar A.M., Rathika D., Rakkimuthu R. and Sathishkumar P., 2021, Floristic Diversity and Ethanobotanical studies of Nandhagopalasamy Hill Temple Sacred Grove of Western Ghats, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore. Agriculture Science Digest, DOI: 10.18805/ag.5475 Pg.No. 1-6.

Workshop FDP


Books / Monograph


Research Guidance
