
Dr.M.Rajasenathipathi M.A.M.C.A,Ph.D

Associate Professor & Head
Department: B.Sc. CT

I am Dr. M. Rajasenathipathi , working as  Associate Professor and Head  in the  Department of Computer Technology at NGM College, Pollachi. With over 25 years of academic and professional experience. I made significant contributions to the field of computer science and technology. Known for  my dedication to teaching and research. I  mentored numerous students and professionals throughout my career. My expertise spans various areas in computer technology, and  committed to advancing the department’s academic excellence. My duty continues to inspire students with his knowledge, experience, and passion for the field in Computer Technology.

Research Work in PhD

English Text to Braille for Visually Impaired people


 Received Best paper award and Cash prize in National Conference on Information Security at Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore
 Received Best paper award in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol 8, No 5 pp 59-63, August 2010
 Acted as a chairperson in various conferences in N.G.M. college and other colleges
 Reviewer of International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering(IJITCE)

Participation in Conference

 M.Rajasenathipathi, A.M.Arthanariee, “Conversion of English text to Braille code using mathematical logic technique”, International conference on mathematical computing and management –ICMCM 2010 – 17th to 19th June 2010 – MACFAST, Tiruvalla, Kerala.
 M.Rajsenthipathi, “Mobile Applictions using WLAN”, International Conference on Managing Next generation software applications –MNGSA-2008 -5-6 December 2008- Karunya University, Coimbatore
 M.Rajasenathipathi, A.M.Arthanariee, “Conversion of English Text to Braille code for visually impaired people”, National conference on Advanced Computing and Its Applications- March 05, 2010-KGiSl Institute of Information Management, Coimbatore
 M.Rajasenathipathi , A.M.Arthanariee ,“Conversion of English text to Braille code vibration signal for visually impaired people in human computer interaction”, National conference on computing and communication - March 27, 2010 – Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
 M.Rajasenathipathi,” Analysis of Routing protocols in network”, National Seminar on Emerging trends in High performance Computing and Communication – August,6,2005 – KSR college of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode
 M.Rajsenathipathi,” Cyber crime Security and Safety Measures”, National Conference on Information Security – September 8,2006 – Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore
 M.Rajasenathipathi, “Mobile Learning and WLN”, National Conference on e-LEARNING –February 8-9,2008 – Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya, Coimbatore
 M.Rajasenathipathi, ”Conversion of English text to Braille code for Visually Impaired people Materials”, National Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing – January 30,2010 – V.L.B. Janakiammal College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.

Research Publications

1 An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm For Pre Predictor crop yield International conference on recent trends in computer science,engineering and information technology 2022
2 Cancer treatment using swarm intelligences International conference on Innovation and Advanced Research in Software Application, bhrathiar university 2021
3 Comparison of seizure detection in EEG signals using deep learning approach ICEST 2021
4 Analysis of Rice and wheat production in India based on season using Machine learning classifications techniques ETIST 2021
5 A new communication tool for visually impaired people using Braille audio signal ETIST 2021
7 Conversion of English text to Braille code using mathematical logic technique International conference on mathematical computing and management 2010

Workshop FDP

1. Addended FDP program on " Computer Networks" at Anna University, Chennai in the year 2014
2. Attended FDP program on " Software Testing " at Anna University, Chennai in the year 2015
3. Attended Workshop on " CCNA program " At Amirta University, Coimbatore in the year 2017
4. Attended workshop on " Innovative Teaching methods" at ICTACT conference , Coimbatore in the year 2017
5. Attended workshop on " Yoga for Teaching" in arivu thirukovil,Aliyar in the year 2018
6. Attended FDP program on " AI Tools for Research Methods" at Bharathiar University in the year 2022

Books / Monograph

Introduction to Java programming
Linux programming

Research Guidance

Completed Phd Guidance - Dr. S.Leelavathi - 20.11.2024
Guiding - G. Angayarkann - from 15.06.2024 onwards