Participated in faculty development programme for college teachers on “Dedication , Teaching Techniques and Stress Management” organized by UGC held at kongunadu arts and science college on 11th February 2019.
Participated in faculty development programme for college teachers on “Man Making Education” organized by swami Vivekananda study circle, kongunadu arts and science college, held on 4th July 2015.
Participated in one day International workshop on “Multiculturalism , Diversity and Globalism: Some Reflections on India and Canada” held on 30th January 2016, organized by PG and Research Department of English Govt. arts College Coimbatore and Indian Association For Canadian Studies.
Participated in one day international level workshop on “New directions in theatre techniques” organized by the department of English(aided), kongunadu arts and science college, held on 9th January 2019.
Participated in the one day international level conference on “Australian Connection: English Communications for Empowerment” organized by the Post Graduate department of English, held on 5th September 2018.
Participated in National level conference cum workshop on “Cutting edge: Digital English and Applied Psychology for a smart personality.” held on 16th march, 2016, organized by PG Department of English, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore - 641029
Participated in one day National level workshop on “Theatre and theatricals” held on 18th, march 2016, organized by Department of English (Aided), Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore – 641029. Sponsored by UGCCPE.
Participated in the one day national level workshop on “Trends and techniques in English language teaching (ELT)” held on January 6h, 2017, organized by PG (un-aided) Department of English, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore - 641029.
Participated in the one day workshop on “ English as a life skill in the corporate world”, held on January 31th 2017, organized by Department of English Sri Ramakrishna engineering college, Coimbatore – 641 022
Participated in National level conference cum workshop on “English for Specific Careers: Mass Communication travel Media and Administration.” held on 27th September 2017, organized by Department of English, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore – 641029.
Participated in the One Day National Level Conference Cum Workshop on “Shakespeare’s Plays Revisited: New Bearings, New Interpretations”, Organized By PG Department Of English, Konguadu Arts And Science College On 19th March,2015.
Participated in the one day national level workshop on “Communicative Skills and Personality Development” organized by the Department of English, Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi college of arts and science, held on 6th September 2012.
. Participated in the one day national level workshop on “You Can Win: Robust Communicative Skills and Singular Soft Skills for a Winsome Personality” organized by the post graduate Department of English. kongunadu arts and science college, held on 3rd January 2018.
Participated in the one day national level workshop on “Extra Edges: Soft Sills and Body Language for a Powerful Personality” organized by the post graduate Department of English. kongunadu arts and science college, held on 11th October 2018.
Participated in the one day state level seminar on “ The evolution of the gender renaissance during the sixteenth century compared to the contemporary literature” held on January 4th 2017, organized by Dr.G.R.Damodaran college of science Coimbatore – 641 014.
Participated in the state level workshop on “Acquiring Proficiency in Communication Skills” organized by the post graduate Department of English, kongunadu arts and science college on 18th February 2015.
Participated in the state level conference on “New Vistas in Literary Theory” organized by the post graduate department of English, kongunadu arts and science college on 12th march,2019.
Participated in faculty development programme for college teachers on “Dedication , Teaching Techniques and Stress Management” organized by UGC held at kongunadu arts and science college on 11th February 2019.
Participated in faculty development programme for college teachers on “Man Making Education” organized by swami Vivekananda study circle, kongunadu arts and science college, held on 4th July 2015.
1. Participated in one day workshop on “NAAC-Revised Accreditation Framework and a Roadmap to Higher Educational Institutions” organized by IQAC, kongunadu arts and science college, on 28th September 2018.